Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Here is a picture of our last visit with Gram Gram and Grandpa. Cora enjoyed seeing all her family members at the reunion and spending quality time with her grandparents.

She is at a great age right now. I love it when she feels and analyzes my face. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful daughter. She has discovered that she can roll to wherever she wants to go. I'll put her down and she'll be across the room by the time I turn back around.

Right now she has a double ear infection. We've been battling this for a month now and she has gone through 2 antibiotics. We are trying one more antibiotic and if that doesn't work the shots. The last resort will be tubes in the ears. Cora is such a trooper too. You wouldn't know she is sick until you see the stuff running out of her eyes and nose. Poor thing.


Jenna said...

Aww, poor Cora!! Praying this round of antibiotics does the trick- no sweet girl should have to deal with this!

Love you all!

kafredrick said...

sorry to hear that you all are having a time with the ear infections:(