Monday, July 23, 2007

Baby's Nursery

Well, I finally have semi-finished the baby's nursery. Pretty much the only thing left is the rocking chair which will be to the left of the crib. Ace was out playing golf after he put the crib together so I started to wash the bedding and clothes that we have received and put everything together. I have to say that once I put everything together it was pretty emotional. I guess because it makes it more real. Once Mike got home from golf I had him go into the baby's room. It was the most memorable experience to see his reaction and to see the same expression I had once I looked around at the finished product.

Here is the baby's dresser with my shadow posing. Cassius rarely leaves me alone anymore.

Our first child watching my every move.

Here is the Gator painting that I did for Mike a couple of years ago. Of course it had to go in the baby's room. I found this cross at a Partylite party and fell in love with it.

The baby is already starting a collection of toys.

Here is the Winnie the Pooh painting I did a couple of months ago.

The cute Classic Winne the Pooh mobile that plays the theme song.

1 comment:

The Martin Family said...

Ooh, it looks so good, Jen!! i can't wait to see it all in person! And you look great, too!!